Tuesday, March 20, 2007

where do we come from? what are we? where are we going?

Citizens of the interweb:

You have created a gleam of light in my otherwise dull-grey day. Indeed, on a day when I have spent many hours hiding behind a mask of concealer, twitching from too much coffee intake, feeling like I and all the happiness in my heart of hearts have been steamrolled by the proverbial truck that seems to flatten many people, I was quite cheered to witness this:

People from faraway lands! How are you coming here? Is Google directing you here when you search "David Bowie?" And instead you are coming to find emo poetry and amateur movie reviews? I'll bet that's it.


Anonymous said...

Maybe one day I too can be a red dot on a map of the world bringing happiness to peoples hearts. Its all I can ever hope for.....

sonya said...

well, you were that today...that and more. Maybe one day you'll build a skyscraper that will make people look up to the sky. so, in other words, do hope for more.