Tuesday, May 22, 2007

small dwellings for water people

small dwellings for water people, originally uploaded by infi9ite.

today I managed to exist on ibuprofen swallowed amid a sea of drinking water, tottering fore and aft the shoppers drug mart as along a gangplank, and baked goldeny brown chocolate cookies worthy of pirate spoils. they will certainly add to my booty (heh.)

new abstracts also uploaded.


Anonymous said...

so this is what happens when you overdose on cocoa and advil, induced pirate hallucinatory dazes.....interesting.....

sonya said...

to err is human, to arr is pirate. (as the shirt says.)

Rebs said...


sonya...it's been too long

sonya said...

Yes, yes, it has. I have been lazy at commenting and also doing a hundred things while devoting my energy to my own internets.

Rebs said...

btw, I went to a pirate themed wedding on the weekend, and TOTALLY stole your err vs arr joke...it was a huge hit!

sonya said...

haha, pirate themed wedding?! WOW! and I only wish the joke was mine... go to threadless.com and browse the text t-shirts. I saw it there. glad to hear it was a hit, though!