Thursday, March 15, 2007

with love, from cyberia

In search of my old photobucket account, I just found my favourite creation, like, ever. EVER.

Keep in mind that I made this to learn how to make animated gifs before Ryan and I were dating. Before. Truly, I am now astonished at his bravery.


Rebs said...

does he really like science fiction?

uh, and I'd ask someone out if they made fun of me that way. it's kinda cute.

sonya said...

Evidently it worked for me! and he was talking about how great the foundation trilogy is (which I still haven't read) so yes, he does like science fiction. Maybe I would cotton to it more than the Anne McCaffery stuff?

You know, every so often when I do something typically crazy like interpretive-dance around his apartment without warning he gets this gleam of fear in his eyes and says "you're crazy!" and I know that he once thought this picture represented the extent of my insanity, but little did he know.

Rebs said...

sonz, on a slightly unrelated note, do you have a flickr site? or something similar? you should link it. and your deviant art site too!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone that knows her can second the crazy notion.....its just fortunate for her that she is so adorable and her craziness is passed off merely as being cute........and yes, i do enjoy science fiction, though only if it is epic and far reaching in its implications, rather than some alien fluff...... Isaac Asimov can hardly be called fluff and is one of the few SciFi stories I've read......

sonya said...

oh, hey, yes, flickr links are coming!

i need to resubscribe.